Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Driving on an Island

This past weekend we spent two nights on Drummond Island, located in Lake Huron along the shipping channel between Sault Ste. Marie and the open water of Huron. It is the second largest freshwater lake island in the country and is accessed by a car ferry from De Tour Village, MI. It is a quaint and quiet place, far different from touristy Mackinac Island, an hour or so West-SW. It is worth a visit and would be a treat to tour by motorcycle.

What I found interesting were the number of road signs reading "dead end." Wouldn't it have sufficed to have one large sign posted as you disembarked the ferry which reads - "This is an Island, all roads are dead ends" - and save a fortune in the road sign budget? Unless you get your martinis "shaken, not stirred," you probably are limited to exiting the island the same way you entered it, floating on a big flat boat, not driving your chevy through a 120 foot deep, 3/4 mile wide channel.

In speaking with one of the permanent residents of the island I discovered that the Ferry schedule adjusts in Jan-March each year. The boats only run the channel on weekends. Miss the boat on Sunday afternoon and be our guest until Friday morning. It's really not that bad weatherwise on the Island. The temps are low, well below zero, but it's a "dry cold." I guess you could freeze to death or die of thirst.

It is a fun place to visit and pick up your very own pudding stone.


Unknown said...

Drummond Island is a wonderful place in my opinion.

But I have to correct one misstatement by the good Doctor.

The ferry to Drummond Island makes a round trip almost every hour, every day, winter and summer, day and night. The only change is between January 1 and March 30 it runs every other hour between midnight and 6 a.m.

You can see the complete schedule at www.drummondisland.com/travel/

doshtate said...

More Pudding Stones? That rocks.